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Tailored yet consistent, a values-led leadership programme

Leadership Development Case Study

A values-driven organisation wanted their leaders to have a consistent but tailored development experience. But how do you ensure that your team experience consistency and difference at the same time, to promote collaboration? A mature organisation had a dozen leaders, based in four different geographies, across different functions, each with varied leadership experience. The hope was for the leaders to create a culture of support, learning and accountability as a group of peers, to in turn, enable their own teams to collaborate more readily.  They wanted variety but no gimmicks, focused on quality time together.

Together with the stakeholders, we designed a development programme which was consistent with the organisation’s values, filled some functional gaps (coaching skills, and ethical leadership as examples), and allowed the leaders a space to determine their own way of leadership, their own model, to test in practice.

The creation of a cohort was key. They attended four sessions across several months, and in between met with peer coaching colleagues to maintain momentum. Developing a discipline of reflective practice, self-coaching, looking for learning was pivotal. And as they progressed through the process, participants owned their leadership, whilst accepting there was room to grow.

Did the process work for everyone? For most, yes. Those, who, for various reasons didn’t commit to the process, would admit they didn’t gain as much as they could have. But the leaders who did step into the programme, (often correlating with them experiencing sponsorship from their own line manager), who did find the capacity to seek learning, and took the opportunities to be curious, they reported reaping the benefits, for themselves and their teams.

Organisational details were changed to respect confidentiality.

If you want to find out more about creating value for your leaders, their teams, and your organisation, contact